How To Know When It Is Time To Replace Your Home's Roof

20 December 2022
 Categories: , Blog


A residential roof replacement is a significant investment into your property and one that can extend the life of your home by decades when done right. However, it is quite a big step to take and it is important to know when you actually need one so you don't overlook it when the time comes. Before you rush off to get a new roof at the first sound of your roof creaking, there are some things that you need to know to make an informed choice. Here are three signs you should look for to know when it is time to organize a residential roof replacement. 

Depressed Or Sagging Sections

When you look at your roof from afar it should be very even in all areas. If you can tell that there are actually sections of your roof that have a significant dip or sag to them, then this is not something that minor repairs can fix. This is a sign that the issues facing your roof are endemic and not able to be patched up easily. It would cost almost as much to fix this issue as it would to get an entirely new roof, and who's to say the same problem couldn't occur again even if you did fix it? A residential roof replacement is a much more prudent choice in this scenario.

State Of Your Shingles

If your roof is made using shingles of any kind, as many are throughout America, then you need to keep an eye on the quality of these building materials. Shingles give visible signs that they are no longer in a condition to protect your home from the weather, including cracking, curling at the edges, and getting faded in the sunlight. Shingles usually need to be replaced with a new roof after twenty or thirty years (as do many roofing materials), so knowing when your last roof was installed is also key.

Roof Blistering

Roof blistering happens to shingles that have water or moisture of any kind trapped underneath them. This can happen when shingles are not secured properly — which happens after years and years of faithful service — and leads to swelling in the material, which will give off a very uneven look. If the roof blistering is endemic to all parts, then you cannot simply replace a few sections and carry on with your life; you need to organize an entire residential roof replacement since the internals of your structure have probably now been infected as well. This moisture can wreak havoc, weakening your timber support beams and introducing mold and mildew to the house. 

Reach out to a company like River Restoration to learn more.